-- Schema creation create schema dba ; -- role creation create role dba with NOLOGIN NOINHERIT ; -- grants for dba grant select on pg_catalog.pg_authid to dba ; grant update (rolvaliduntil) on pg_catalog.pg_authid to dba ; grant pg_read_all_stats to dba ; -- password history table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dba.pwdhistory ( usename character varying COLLATE pg_catalog."default", usename_addres character varying COLLATE pg_catalog."default", application_name character varying COLLATE pg_catalog."default", password character varying COLLATE pg_catalog."default", changed_on timestamp without time zone ) TABLESPACE pg_default; -- alter if you come from a previous version of the table: -- alter table dba.pwdhistory add column usename_addres character varying ; -- alter table dba.pwdhistory add column application_name character varying ; ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS dba.pwdhistory OWNER to dba; -- ###################################### -- ###################################### -- real functions -- ###################################### -- ###################################### CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dba.change_valid_until(_usename text) RETURNS integer SECURITY DEFINER LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST 100 VOLATILE PARALLEL UNSAFE AS $BODY$ declare _invokingfunction text := ''; _matches text; _password_lifetime int := 120; -- specify password lifetime _retval INTEGER; begin select query into _invokingfunction from pg_stat_activity where pid = pg_backend_pid() ; -- raise notice 'Invoking function: %', _invokingfunction; --_matches := regexp_matches(_invokingfunction, E'select dba\.change_my_password\\(''([[:alnum:]]|@|\\$|#|%|\\^|&|\\*|\\(|\\)|\\_|\\+|\\{|\\}|\\||<|>|\\?|=|!){11,100}''\\)[[:space:]]{0,};' , 'i'); _matches := regexp_matches(_invokingfunction, E'select dba\.change_my_password\\(.*\\)[[:space:]]{0,};' , 'i'); -- raise notice 'Matches: %', _matches; if _matches IS NOT NULL then EXECUTE format('update pg_catalog.pg_authid set rolvaliduntil=now() + interval ''120 days'' where rolname=''%I'' ', _usename); return 0; _matches := regexp_matches(_invokingfunction, E'select dba\.change_my_password\\(''([[:alnum:]]|@|\\$|#|%|\\^|&|\\*|\\(|\\)|\\_|\\+|\\{|\\}|\\||<|>|\\?|=|!){11,100}''\\)[[:space:]]{0,};' , 'i'); if _matches IS NOT NULL then --EXECUTE format('update pg_catalog.pg_authid set rolvaliduntil=now() + interval ''120 days'' where rolname=''%I'' ', _usename); EXECUTE format('ALTER ROLE ''%I'' WITH PASSWORD ''%L'' VALID UNTIL now() + interval ''%I days'' ;', _usename, _thepassword, _password_lifetime) INTO _retval; RETURN _retval; else raise exception 'Regular expresion for password check failed' using errcode = '22023' -- 22023 = "invalid_parameter_value' , detail = 'Check your generated password an try again' , hint = 'Read the official documentation' ; end if; else -- also catches NULL -- raise custom error raise exception 'You''re not allowed to run this function directly' using errcode = '22023' -- 22023 = "invalid_parameter_value' , detail = 'Please call dba.change_my_password function.' , hint = 'Invoked function: ' || _invokingfunction ; end if; end $BODY$; ALTER FUNCTION dba.change_valid_until(text) OWNER TO dba; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION dba.change_valid_until(text) From PUBLIC; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dba.change_my_password(_password text) RETURNS integer SECURITY INVOKER LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST 100 VOLATILE PARALLEL UNSAFE AS $BODY$ declare _min_password_length int := 12; -- specify min length here _usename text := ''; _useraddress text := ''; _userapp text := ''; begin select user into _usename; if user = 'postgres' then raise exception 'This function should not be run by user postgres' using errcode = '22024' -- 22023 = "invalid_parameter_value' , detail = 'Use a named user only.' ; end if; if length(_password) < _min_password_length then -- also catches NULL -- raise custom error raise exception 'Password too short!' using errcode = '22023' -- 22023 = "invalid_parameter_value' , detail = 'Please check your password.' , hint = 'Password must be at least ' || _min_password_length || ' characters.'; end if; select client_addr into _useraddress from pg_stat_activity where pid = pg_backend_pid() ; select application_name into _userapp from pg_stat_activity where pid = pg_backend_pid() ; -- this will be executed by the username invoking this function EXECUTE format('ALTER USER %I WITH PASSWORD %L', _usename, _password); PERFORM dba.change_valid_until(_usename) ; insert into dba.pwdhistory (usename, usename_addres, application_name, password, changed_on) values (_usename, _useraddress, _userapp, md5(_password),now()); return 0; end $BODY$; ALTER FUNCTION dba.change_my_password(text) OWNER TO dba; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION dba.change_my_password(text) From PUBLIC;